Attorney Bernstein has written articles on environmental permitting and regulations, which have appeared in the New England Real Estate Journal, The Real Reporter, Banker & Tradesman, Commercial Lending Review, the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Property Law Section Newsletter, the MCLE’s Massachusetts Environmental Law Handbook, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, New England’s Environment, and Women’s Business. She recently completed 20 years as an Editorial Consultant on Green Energy to the New England Real Estate Journal. She has been quoted in The Boston Globe on waterfront and development issues, and the Lexington MinuteMan on land use issues.
Links to recent publications:
- Proposed changes in MA hazardous waste regulations
- MassDEP to establish drinking water standards for PFAs
- Wind Turbines may soon turn south of Martha's Vineyard
- Filing for property damages in contamination cases
- Court expands applicability of Article 97 in parks in MA
- Court rules against MADEP on greenhouse gas emissions
- Net metering cap in Massachusetts
- COP21: Can it save the earth
- What's next for energy incentives
- Are wetlands regs green
- All Appropriate Environmental Inquiry in CLR Fall 2007(PDF)
- Susan Bernstein on Radio Entrepreneurs(MP3)